Monday, January 18, 2010

Empty camera post

Hi everyone- long time, no post. Nothing new going on in our neck of the woods, really. We are playing catch up after the holidays, we've all been a little under the weather and trying to get through the grayest three months of the year.
CeCe's rolling a ton and really getting good at grasping objects in the exersaucer. Preston is talking in 9 and 10 word phrases lately, (which blows our mind) is obsessed with all things Thomas the Train, and just started a toddler "Funtime Frenzy" gym class with me that he loves. Kevin finally got a new car- a used Toyota Avalon and it totally serves it purpose as transportation to and from work. I've been trying to keep up with my 2010 resolutions and I gotta tell ya- it feels good to check things off my list.

I just dumped a bunch of pictures from my camera onto my computer, so I figured I'd go through and upload some to update the blog. Some are wayyyy back from the last decade- back in 2009- so bear with me! :)

Little fatty sitting up in her bumbo:

Kevin and Erin on New Years Eve, at Catablu with the Goettermans

Celebrating the Stanski graduation with Ted and Charity

My little Jackson Pollock

Ralphie. (Snow suit - 2nd year of use- courtesy of the Kings!)

Preston in action (as always) about to tackle Ruby-

Me at 2 and a half years old. Remind you of a certain little boy?

Cecilia rolling, hanging out in the 'saucer and looking generally cute

That's all for now. We've had a ton of playdates lately and even though I've had my camera, my hands have been full and I've been horrible about taking pictures. Kevin is traveling to Boston later in the week and we've got quite a bit activity planned to keep us busy while he's gone, but I'll update soon!


The Moons said...

Love the pictures Erin! You look great as always! I can't believe your 2nd grade picture and how much it looks like Preston! Kudos to you for staying home with 2 kids while your hubby is gone...I am flying across the country with my little one to make my parents take care of me when mine is leaving for a week :)

Shelly said...

Love the pics! Look at those chubby baby cheeks!

Jeremy P said...

love love love love love