Our little angel turned four months old on Tuesday! It seemed fitting to pay her tribute via a blog post since it was a year ago this week that we discovered that we were pregnant again. At the time we had no idea how much joy she'd bring to our lives.
Her well baby check up was Wednesday morning and I'm happy to report that she's doing great. She's 14 lbs- around 50th percent for weight and get this- 26 inches long!!! 90-95th percent for height. She measured 19 inches at birth, so she's grown 7 inches in 4 months and is already being recruited by Ball State's women's volleyball team.
She's rolling over and starting to scoot around on her back. If I put her on a blanket with her head at 12 o'clock, it will be at 4 before you know it. She has started to show some interest in toys, but her absolute favorite entertainment device in the world is Preston. Her face literally lights up when she sees him and she thinks he's absolutely hysterical, which brings me to... her laugh. Ahhh! How I love her laugh. It's just infectious and her face has a huge gummy smile on it most of the time. She is still on just breast milk and will be for a few more months. We are just beginning to enter such a fun baby stage. I can't believe how quickly the time is going the second time around.... slow down, little lady!
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