Monday, August 24, 2009

As the time draws near...

Call me sappy, but I'm feeling so emotional as we get closer to having this baby! Of course, it could be the hormones, but I find myself wanting to just smother-mother Preston and for Kevin and I to soak up every minute of his last days as an only child. Don't get me wrong, we are SO EXCITED to meet our sweet little girl and become a family of four. But at the same time, there's this bittersweet element to our interaction with P because he so innocently has NO idea how much his life is about to change. We talk casually to him about his baby sister who is going to live with us, he hugs my belly about 100 times a day and I know he'll be a wonderful big brother. I just want to work really hard at making him feel not only included, but an integral and irreplaceable part of us.

Speaking of, I am definitely feeling closer as each day passes. At 36 weeks and 5 days, I'm less than week away from where I was when Preston was born. I've had several sessions of regular, painful contractions- at one point last week, I was convinced we were headed to the hospital, but an internal check at my 36 week appointment thankfully showed no dilation. My blood pressure was pretty high for me, 122/90, so I'm praying that's not a sign of pre-eclampsia because I do *not* want to be put on bed rest. But there wasn't any protein in my urine, which is good. It will be interesting to see what my OB says at my 37 week appointment on Wednesday. We are REALLY hoping to make it to at least 38 weeks, which will be September 2nd, so please keep your fingers crossed! I recently read that first time labors typically last between 15-20 hours, (Preston's was 18) and second time deliveries are on average, just 8. That sounds good to me... 8 hours, I'll take it! Here's a belly pic at 36 weeks:

There's nothing quite like just waiting around to have a baby, so even though I am borderline miserable, not sleeping well, have killer heartburn and of course, the infamous cankles and swollen feet, we are still keeping really active and busy. We just returned from an overnight stay at Lake James where we celebrated Preston's birthday with my Grandma Joan, who turned 85 on the 22nd. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRAMS, WE LOVE YOU!) We finally made our way to a Fort Wayne Tincaps game, had some wonderful playdates and a beautiful brunch with girlfriends, and still have some fun things planned coming up, although (JUST FOR YOU, HEATHER!) I know it's getting to be that time that I need to rest and keep my feet up as much as possible to keep the swelling down and blood pressure low. For whatever reason, I have a hard time doing that. Regardless, I plan to take it easier from now on. Here are some shots of our fun the past week, including his 2nd birthday parties as promised!

Sorry there are so many, but I'm trying to practice with our new camera as much as possible before the baby comes! :)

And playing with his cousin Emily who just turned four... (Happy B-day, sweet girl!)

And last but not least, we received sad news that Kevin's grandmother, Barbra Perdue Wade passed away last Monday. We are so saddened, yet relieved as the past eight months of her life have been more than difficult and full of suffering. Grandma Barb had a great sense of humor and Kevin has shared with me some wonderful memories of her from his childhood and years past. The Erb, Tatum and Starnes families gathered last week at her viewing and funeral to celebrate her life, and as always, had a wonderful time even while supporting one another in our time of grief. You are loved and missed, Grandma, may you rest in peace.

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