Saturday, April 7, 2007

To baby from Mexico again...

Hola Baby!

Our trip is coming to an end and we'll be leaving to fly back late tomorrow afternoon, but we couldn't leave without telling you about how wonderful the past few days have been.

Thursday, April 5, 2007
It was a slow, relaxing day for us! We walked into the marina and ate at Mr. Creams again for breakfast and then layed at the pool and relaxed at the casita the rest of the afternoon. On Tuesday, we planned to eat at Victors and watch the sunset from the lighthouse bar, but never made it there that evening. Instead we strolled in and out of shopps and ate at "Morgan's." Although it was delicious and a fun atmosphere with a live band, I was disappointed to miss the sunset, so we ended up eating at Victor's and watching the sunset again on Thursday instead. It was breathtaking and you wouldn't belive everything we got to see from the lighthouse once we were up there- the mountains, the cruise ships that came into Puerto Vallarta that day and the lights of every hotel and resort along the beach... it really was a gorgeous sight and we decided that we must do it again before we leave. We took the elevator on the way up, but I thought I'd be brave and take the spiral staircase down. All 120 of them!!

Friday, April 6, 2007
OUCH!!! Mommy and Daddy both got too much sun on Thursday, so we tried to avoid it a bit today! Mommy, who isn't used to wearing any sunscreen, switched to SPF 8 on Thursday and she is now kicking herself for it. (Dr. Schwartz warned me, but I kept thinking, "Who, me? Burn? ....Nah!)
We did some shopping and I've decided it's best that we don't know your gender yet, because I would have spent too much money on all the cute little baby swimsuits, cover ups and sandals! We grabbed a nap and both read alot in the afternoon. Mommy has caught up on a lot of her magazines- New Parents, Real Simple, Marie Claire, Cottage Living, and Baby Talk. I also brought a book Aunt Holli gave me by Anne Lamott called, "Operating Instructions" a journal of her son's first year... it's really cute. Daddy has been reading "Democracy Matters" by Cornel West and two issues of his beloved New Yorker.

Friday evening we had the best experience of all- a nice dinner at an amazing place called "Hacienda San Angel." It was truly an experience we'll never forget. It's an old house that once belonged to Richard Burton, who was a 1930's actor that married Elizabeth Taylor and bought the original villa after shooting "Night of the Iguana" here in Puerto Vallarta. The food was gourmet and the the grounds and view were the best and most romantic we've seen here so far. Every open-air room was filled with interesting and orignal Mexican antiques. Hidden away in the hills of PV, (we had to give our cab driver a map) it had lots of manicured gardens, charming architecture, statues of angels, original marble and stucco, and glowing candles everywhere we turned. Our food and the service were both outstanding- we split an appeitzer of grilled fresh vegatables, Mommy got the Chicken Mole special and Daddy got the baby half chicken with goat cheese and spinach. Then we split dessert... I thought it was my responsibility to test the merit of their dssert chef against that of the tapas restaurant chef we ate at on the first night, so we ordered another molten chocolate cake with ice cream. Ends up- it was a tie. This was the view from our table and a picture of us at the candle-lit stairwary in the garden. At the top of the stairs was a large grotto and more candles- just beautiful... I'm so glad you were with us for this wonderful evening.

Saturday, April 7, 2007
So far, it has been a great day... We slept in this morning and ate breakfast at a new restaurant called Seafare- which doesn't sound much like a breakfast joint, but all in all, was really impressive. I'd have to say the presentataion of my $4 french toast was spectacular with a decorated plate! We've noticed that many of the places here serve coffee with a hint of cinnamon flavor. Coffee is something I quit cold-turkey once we found out you were on the way, but I've treated myself to a half a cup almost every morning that we've been here.

During the day, we simply laid by the pool- with SPF 30 on, the burn is much better today! And this evening, we longed for some regular Mexican food again, so we are headed back to Victor's. The owner, Victor himself, comes around to every table and brings shots of tequila that he throws back with his diners. Clearly, Victor has a lot of practice at this. When we were there on Tuesday, I passed on the shot, of course, but Daddy was happy to have mine for me. And Victor was so excited that we had a baby on the way, he brought Daddy an extra one. After three shots of swill tequila and a few Coronas, he was.... well, he was ready to head back to the casita. It was such an easy-going and fun, casual spot that tonight, we're going back for more. Who knows, maybe Daddy will attempt 4 shots this time!

1 comment:

Holli said...

LOVE that top picture of you! You look gorgeous!!! You guys both have that happy glowing tan going on...I'm so jealous! (makes pouty face)
Glad to hear you're having so much fun! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get home. FYI we've actually had snow on the ground for 2 days now. It's awful.