Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring time update!

Preston has just been cracking us up lately and he's becoming so much more like a little boy and less like a baby. He's talking in 4 word sentences and saying things like "Mama, bus right there!" Then, after the bus passes, he says, "More bus!" If we see another bus then, he'll say "More bus right there!" He's also doing this hysterical thing where he goes to get in his little tykes car, and says, "bye bye! Day!" (We say bye bye and have a good day to Kevin every morning.) And I'll ask where he's going and he'll say, "Wort!" (Work) Then, he'll go, "Meenings." (Meetings!) OMG- we think it's so funny.

We spent some time in Jasper with our friends the Pryors last weekend and Preston had a wonderful time playing with Emma. Emma is my Goddaughter and Preston is Natalie's Godson, so our time with eachother's kids is really special. There were a couple of times that Preston would watch Emma, who is turning 3 in July and just seem to act so much older like her. He'd approach her with "Hey Emma." And as just another example, the other day, he called me "mom." MOM?? Are you kidding? When did he turn 5? Anyways, the ride down was hard for Preston and he got car sick once on the way, but we had a great time with friends and the return was much easier. How cute are these two?

We also went to see my brother Collin play in a golf tournament here in Fort Wayne recently. Preston is currently interested in golf, so he thought it was pretty cool to see his uncle tee off right by us and yelled "Sod Sob!" (Good job?). I was an idiot and didn't realize we'd follow him for a while while walking and didn't bring the stroller. It was 90 degrees and I am getting bigger, so the thought of carrying him was horrible and Dawn and Tori stepped up to the plate. (Thanks guys!) Here he is with Aunt Tori outside of the clubhouse.

I've mentioned before, Preston is obsessed with trucks of any kind. When he was about 18 months old, Kevin searched YouTube for truck footage and a new hobby was born. Now, when Preston see's Kevin's laptop, he begs to watch trucks. Kevin gives in about twice a week, but it could keep Preston occupied for hours if we'd allow it. He loves to sit on the couch with his dad and talk about what he sees. And he usually gets so excited that he want to pull the laptop onto his lap and hold it himself.

We've reached the halfway point of this pregnancy. I can't believe it. Where is the time going?! I am feeling great and seem to be past 99% of my nausea and 75% of my exhaustion. Baby girl is moving a lot lately and remains nameless. We do have a few ideas, though. She weighs about 10 oz and is almost the length of a banana.

Our newest dilemma is whether or not to get a new crib for the baby. She'll be in our room for awhile, so we could use Preston's crib for her once he's ready for a big boy bed and she's ready to transition for the crib. Or, we could get her a crib and leave Preston in his until he's actually ready. OR, we could get Preston a convertible crib that becomes a toddler and double bed for later on and give his crib to the new baby before she gets here. We are torn because I definitely don't want him to feel like she's taken over his sleeping space or that we are rushing him out of his room. He hasn't ever attempted to climb out of his crib, so part of me thinks "Why mess with a good thing?" But I also think, "if I could avoid buying another crib, that would be nice." We'll see.

We have four flowering Crab Apples in full bloom right now at our house and they are just gorgeous. One is right outside Preston's bedroom and you can see the branches that brush up against both of his bedroom windows. Every day after his nap when I open the blinds, he says "flow flow" with a huge smile. Happy spring!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

IT'S A....

We are in shock! At least I am. It seems I've gone back and forth on what I thought this baby was, but we found out today that we are in fact on Team Pink. The ultrasound went well and we got to watch her bounce around, make a pouty sucking face (she's ready for the boob already!) and then put both her hands behind her head like she was relaxing. The tech is 100% sure it's a girl and so were we- we made her show us about 5 times. We would have been just as excited to have another boy, but we feel very lucky and blessed to have one of each. Now.... let the shopping begin!

And because I can't make a post without adding some Preston cuteness, here is her big brother.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

We had such a nice time for Easter at lake James! It was a marathon trip- less than 24 hours, actually, but it was great to see family that we haven't seen in awhile and spend time with my Grams. Saturday evening, we arrived for dinner at Mike and Diana's and Preston got to experience coloring eggs for the first time!
He went from being a little unsure at first, just watching and taking it all in, to getting some help from his older cousins to figure out how it's done, then finally having a blast and wanting to do "more eggs!"

Sunday, we joined the family for dinner at my Grandma's house. Along with his first Easter egg hunt, there were other kids, puppies, a giant pop-up ice cream truck courtesy of Aunt Laura, lots of food and excitement to keep Preston entertained. We left around his afternoon nap time, so he konked out in the car on the way home, as you can see by his hair in the last shot. And, seriously, how cute was his outfit?

This past week, P and I spent some fun time outdoors with our nice weather...we played ball, planted some pansies, become quite skilled in side walk chalk and just explored Preston's room to roam in our backyard. He was just learning to walk when we moved in last September, so he had a limited amount of time to be outside. These days, he's so obsessed with being out that when we come in, he melts down with the most pitiful voice you've ever heard and cries, "side! side. side.... siiiiide." :( Kevin and Uncle Christopher ("Ferter" as Preston affectionately calls him) have been busy working on fixing out back yard fence that was for some insane reason, installed 2 feet off the ground. Not so hot for keeping a child and dog in the backyard. It will be awesome to have the fence done so I can feel comfortable letting him play at the backdoor while I'm in the kitchen. We can't wait to get some more outdoor toys for him. Bring on the big plastic toys and slides! :)

Also, this week, poor Preston got not one, not two... not three, but FOUR molars!! Yes, I said FOUR. I have to admit- compared to some of our previous teething experiences, and also to what I've heard from other moms about molars, they were not that bad. Actually, I saw the bottom right popping through, but it wasn't until we were playing one day and he was cracking up - mouth wide open- that I saw the ones on the top were already through. What a trooper this kid is!! Kevin and I joke that we won't know what to blame fussiness on once all his teeth are through. I can't believe he got the top ones and I didn't even notice. But good luck trying to get a look- reach for his mouth and those jaws lock shut like a hungry crocodile.

I will be 18 weeks pregnant this Wednesday and just so you know, I'm not QUITE as huge as I look in the shot above of the three of us in front of the lake. That is actually not a maternity shirt, but it makes me look much larger for some reason. (Certainly not the giant Easter meal I had just consumed of ham and mashed potatoes, right?) Anyways, as promised earlier, here is a proper belly shot at 17 weeks and 3 days:

The countdown begins to the 22nd when we find out what we are having. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going compared to last time. I am feeling pretty good these days- just tired, but part of that is chasing an extremely busy toddler. Can't complain as the nausea is all but gone (knock on wood) and the swelling and heartburn haven't kicked in yet. Speaking of kicks- I'm feeling more flutters and loving it! Can't wait to start focusing on the fun stuff- room and name ideas after we find what we're having!