Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This is why....

...I don't have time to make a blog post anymore.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


...Cue the heavenly choir! Today, on his 11-month birthday, Preston's bottom left tooth has finally popped through. I can't tell you what a relief this is. For months- or, more specifically- since about Christmas, we've been "just sure" he's teething. Poor thing- He seems to be in a lot of pain and actually threw up yesterday, we think from swallowing so much drool and snot from his little running nose. So our toothless wonder is toothless no more!

Also- I'm a bit sad today because it's his last "baby birthday." :( Next month at this time, we'll be celebrating his 1st birthday and enter the world of toddlerhood. Speaking of his 1st birthday, we are already gearing up for the big event! He was a trooper today as I drug him in and out of stores looking for birthday party gear despite not feeling well. I got all my supplies to make his invitations today and we even checked out a birthday board book from the library this week so that he can read all about birthdays. I should probably start practicing making his cake now. (For those of you who are familiar with my baking skills, you understand what I mean.) Maybe I'll stick to sampling different ice creams. By the way, has everyone tried the Kroger Private Selection Moose Tracks? Well, you should. Really.

Have you ever seen a more pitiful face? "Get this thing off me, Mom!"

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pics and such

It's been such a long time since I've made a blog post, that at the very least, I wanted to post some pics and give a few updates on our amazing little Preston before he goes off to college. I promise to post more in-depth when I have more time!

This kiddo is constantly on the move!
Crawling, cruising and taking some almost-steps, he's not happy sitting still for long!

Here's a little video of us recently after brunch at Potawatomi:

He'll be 11 months this week and his vocabulary is growing and he's definitely communicating with us in every way he possibly can. He points at things he wants, shakes his head "no" and generally gets his point across pretty well. He can say "Mama," "Da," "Hi," "Bye," and "Meow." He loves cats- don't as me why, as we are much more of the dog-sort and don't even own a cat, but his eyes light up if he sees a picture of one, and he gets extremely excited if he sees one in person. Matt and Holli Adams have two cats, and he's in heaven over there! My sister Tori is concerned that he might end up as an unmarried 50 year old with an apartment full of them. (yikes.)

So....that's in in a very concise nutshell. Like I said- I will make a proper post soon, but for now this will have to do- he's trying to climb the stairs as I type- gotta go!